Вид тварин: птиця Вакцина жива лiофiлiзована проти сальмонельозу птицi. Фармацевтична форма: ліофілізат…
Type of animals: Calves, up to 3 months of age,…
Target species: pigs, poultry, cattle Antibiotic. Pharmaceutical form: Powder for oral use….
Antibiotic, water soluble microgranules.
Live vaccine against infectious bursal disease
Live vaccine against infectious bursal disease, strain M.B.
Live vaccine against Newcastle disease, strain V.H.
Live vaccine against infectious bronchitis of poultry, strain 233 А.
Live vaccine against infectious bronchitis of poultry, strain 06.
Live vaccine against Newcastle disease and infectious bronchitis of poultry.
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